Street Places

These citizens to if coming across with requirements of the work market and being without conditions of qualification and preparations had lost the perspectives of professional accomplishment, starting to constantly change of activities and places and to constitute a significant contingent. According to Cleisa, It goes dislocating for different activities and different places, alternating work and unemployment. This diversity segmentation hinders the creation of steady bonds with the work, the family, the places. Its life is always recommencing. Almost nothing it is permanent, not to be the daily search of the survival, what it becomes its fragmented life extremely. (CLEISA, 2005:36) Without corresponding the current necessities of the market, they enter in the accumulation of the informal work that grows to each day and if it closes in the competitiveness diminishing for many the possibility of autonomy and survival.

Without conditions this worker is the grace of the palliative supports. This group represents an image depressing and also suffocated for the high index of unemployment that devastates the country. To write on life in the streets allowed the Cleisa to explain the importance of if understanding this demand in the national context and mentioning the weakness of and the directed public politics to the treatment of the question. To speak of the population of Street in Brazil, today, is to also speak of historical delay, indifference, inefficiency and even though absence of politics you publish and of rights of empobrecidos and oppressed sectors of the Brazilian society. One evidences that, with the crisis of the State, its parcel of responsibility comes if reducing.

This makes among others that it has broken of the social matter pass to be faced by the civil society, by means of the not governmental organizations and foundations. (CLEISA, 2005:38). The studies on street population show these citizens liveing in the streets and sleeping in the squares, marquees of store, in low of bridges, among others. They belong to a diversified population picture that increases and if it quickly modifies due its fragile mobility. With proper forms of living they make of the life in the street a very fragile linking, belonging to the space of the street is very vacant, does not have definite place as housing, only as control point. The place if modifies in the measure where they also leave in the search security for the rest and for the feeding and the hygienic cleaning. Many finish installing itself in the streets of another city due to the attempts frustrated in obtaining a job. Of this form, mobility for the search in the search of accomplishment in the perspective to keep a work extremely accepting precarious conditions to guarantee the sustenance of the family loses the reason