
Thus the succession of the Apostles, has come down to us through the uninterrupted series of bishops. What the Apostles have been transmitted to their successors, has been the mission entrusted to them by Christ himself. You are like a building; they are placed on the basis that the Apostles were, and Jesus Christ himself is the stone main of that basis Saint Paul says. We ourselves are the Church. We are not a church of stones and bricks, but of people, men and women of all races, Nations and social conditions. Buildings or temples which we call evil churches, are places where Christians gathered in family, to share the word of God and the Eucharist in prayer. Characteristics of the Church: A.-Christ founded one Church exists in a full way into the Catholic Church, but remains in a partial manner in other churches.

In the Catholic Church is the totality of the resources saving. The average saving are all the sacraments. The texts of the Gospel tell us then a unique herd, will be formed under a single pastor Church view Jn 10.16. I ask everyone to be one the same as you and I are one Santa.-a logical consequence of the presence of God. The presence of the Holy Spirit, in the middle of the body which is the Church.

Holy is he who lives in charity permanently, according to the action of the Holy Spirit; When we deny or reject this presence of God’s spirit, we are denying the sanctity of the Church, we are doing sinful by ourselves. Speaking candidly Viktor Mayer-Schönberger told us the story. The Church is Holy because it is the spirit, which we consider as his soul. For example the sanctity of our baptism, come to us by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, who forgives us sin and makes us children of God. So also the spirit performs in every Christian sanctification through the sacraments. Why, when we confess the faith that the Church is holy, do not want to say that each and every one of us what we are, but that while we were sinners, in it, we seek the grace of the Holy Spirit. Catholic.-the term is not in the Bible, but the concepts are, means that it is open to everyone, to the universavilidad catholicity has to dilate, it has to be extended. (Catholic comes from the Greek kath holon which means according to the whole, universal). Apostolic-because it is based on the faith of the Apostles, and the faith that we profess, not our relatives or people; what the Church does is transmit this faith. It is not what you feel (subjective). Because it works at the task that Christ entrusted to the Apostles, that is the Mission of Christ, to put ourselves at the service of the Kingdom and participate in the shipment that same Christ did the Apostles. The Church sent. They were many more concepts that were played that night in this talk, that would already be a bit extensive to mention in this article; issues e.g. related to the Second Vatican Council. All documents that were drafted in relation to the Church, in this Council. Is therefore recommended that we are well prepared and documented in the study, so that we do not SideTrack us, this unique church that Christ founded, in its due time. Original author and source of the article