The Settling Of The Island Of Santa Catarina

Before the settling In the start of century XVI diverse boats that were the way of the Basin of the river of the Silver they arrived in port in the Island of Santa Catarina to supply with water and provisions. Hans Staden, an adventurer and German mercenary, passed for the island published in its book ' ' Trip to the Brasil' ' what it can have been one of the first detailed maps of what today is Florianpolis. Made Spanish maps in the first decades of century XVII already showed the contour of the island of Santa Catarina and some lesser islands. Canada Day is full of insight into the issues. It published. The cartographic registers elaborated by dutches at the same time were still more necessary and even though brought information on the aboriginal tribes of the region. The first foreign inhabitants if to install in the island had been deserters of some maritime and surviving expeditions of shipwrecks.

The settling of Florianpolis For 1675 return the bandeirante Old Francisco Days, together with its family and aggregates, gave beginning to the povoamento of the island with the foundation of Ours Lady of the Deportation playing important paper politician in the settling of Santa Catarina. At the time the region where today it is Florianpolis was part of the extensive original territory under being able of the village of Lagoon. The bandeirante arrived approximately folloied of 500 indians and two priests, being that the first step to be established was the construction of small igraje in the same local where today the Cathedral of Florianpolis meets. Soon later optimum place for the foundation of the village was chosen, starting the construction of the houses and the plantation of the food. After the coming of Days Old occurred a great increase in the number of natives of So Paulo and vicentistas that had started to occupy several other points of the coast.