The Tritest New Sidekick

Rottgen tests smart electric scooter he is smart, it is environmentally friendly, it is fully in line with the trend. So, it’s no question that he was not missing Rhineland-Palatinate at the closed-door meeting on the energy policy of the CDU: the electric scooter Sidekick. Maria Laach. “Green your way” with this slogan advertise that young entrepreneur Philip (25), Daniel (26) and Patrik (28) Tykesson for their eco-friendly electric scooters Sidekick electric 1954″. Like was the CEO of e-bility GmbH of the invitation of Julia Klockner (CDU land Chairman Rhineland) after and participated in the conclave of the CDU in Maria Laach. Since early 2010 that manufactures start up the smart electric scooter in retro design from Remagen. The formula, style-factor plus environmentally friendly driving, goes on: nearly 1,000 already fun mobile on Europe’s roads en route. One has viewed more Environment Minister Rottgen by them in the wake of the meeting.

In a spin, he wanted to experience the Sidekick equal. Instead of fuel and combustion engine scores the Sidekick electric in 1954 with an electric 2,000 watt motor, which takes from the first second on full power. “A whole new driving experience and completely silent”, Patrik Tykesson reported the Minister of the environment, the the fun then in the face Board. The sidekick has already found many companions we are pleased with the Minister of the environment to have won an additional fan, “so Tykesson. Next year, we will continue the success with two other models. Contact: e-bility GmbH Lilienthal 6 53424 Remagen