TU Dresden Architects

After disastrous fire protection planning and their chaotic implementation on construction sites, such as at the airport of BER in Schonefeld, which had believed any more: Berlin can fire! For the 3rd time is therefore Eberl-Pacan architects + engineers fire protection in cooperation with renowned partners and renowned speakers from the Berlin fire protection technical discussion. Event time and location: 12 September 2013? 09:00 17:00 Clock in the Spree store? Stralauer Allee 2a? 10245 Berlin (Oberbaumbrucke) registration the participation of the Berlin Senate in person of Ephraim Gothe, since 2012 Secretary of State in the Berlin Senate Department for urban development and environment, shows that the Berlin fire protection technical discussion has developed in two years to the most important annual Berlin fire event. His greeting is addressed to all those who want to support in tackling their fire protection tasks Berlin and its partner State and show their commitment by taking part in the event. Other partners and non-profit carrier of the event are Fire Trutz-Verlag, the Association of fire Planner e.V. (VdBP) and the Association fire (WVB).

A day of fire protection expertise in Berlin goal this training and briefing is professionals and interested parties competent information and suggestions on important issues of fire safety to offer, to impart knowledge to specific fire protection issues and to promote the exchange among experts about individual fire protection considerations. Congress is again accompanied by a special exhibition on the manufacturers and service providers to present their products in the field of fire protection. Four lectures, a four eye meeting and a panel discussion offering in-depth analyses, the edits of concrete examples and answering burning questions; comprehensible and practical assistance for the implementation in your company. Fire protection in buildings the 3rd Berlin fire protection technical discussion is devoted in a special way the fire protection in industrial buildings. This is a large task, the continually changes and Further developments are subject to. At the event the latest trends and insights for a safe and efficient fire protection in buildings are shown, which are marked and distribution or storage of products or goods and industrial production, treatment, recovery of the world of work.