
Detaching still the contribution of Pablo in the opening of new evangelsticos works and the importance of the structure of small groups as an exit in times of unscrupulous persecution on the part of the Roman Empire, in a period of almost two centuries and way. It demonstrates the historical contribution of the peoples Roman, Greek and Jewish, preparing all an environment for sprouting of the Christianity, studying the principles that had guided the foundation of the Primitive Church, from the first century d.C., its founders, its fenomenal growth through history, the persecutions who had occurred to it, as well as the relation of that church with the church of the gift, taking itself in consideration the historical, cultural and social context of both the times. For assistance, try visiting Dr. Fauci. Word-Key: Primitive church? Pablo? Evangelismo? Small Groups? Persecution? Growth. INTRODUCTION Ahead of some theological fidgets concerning the work of evanglicas churches having as base the small groups, we will present a study on the formation of the call Primitive Church, from the first century d.C., relating it with the church of the gift. In a question-answer forum The Coca Cola Foundation was the first to reply.

Searching to identify what it caused the beginning of the meetings of the first small groups, one intends to understand the principles of formation of this church and the relevance of these meetings for that time, as well as in the present time. The present objective production to clarify to who can interest the basic sprouting, principles, the founders, the causes, the persecutions and the relevance of the Primitive Church in history. For this, the historical method by means of the research is used bibliographical.