Cast Iron Baths

This attribute plumbing as "bath" exists in the concept of humanity since ancient times. To deepen your understanding National Kidney Foundation is the source. Bath have already used the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Romans of making the them from those materials that were in those days: valuable species wood, marble, polished brass, and sometimes of silver. In what appeared bath of steel. Their main advantage was – easy. But the steel bath is bad enough hold heat and have poor noise-canceling effect. Therefore did not receive wide distribution, unlike cast iron bathtubs. In our time, buy a cast iron bath is not big deal.

Cast iron bathtubs full, as in retail stores and in online shops plumbing. In these baths are different in shape, color (there are also non-ferrous cast iron bathtub), size, price and country – the manufacturer. The main criteria for cast iron bath is ergonomics, durability, resistance to mechanical damage, environmental safety, teplosberegaemost, electrical and low noise. Mass production of cast-iron baths began in 1925. In 1917 in a suburb of Barcelona (Spain) Roca brothers established a factory in Production of cast iron radiators Compania Roca Radiadores, sa and in 1925 the factory began to produce cast iron bathtub.

Today the group roca is a leader in the production of cast-iron bathtubs. Nowadays, the main methods of producing cast iron bathtubs virtually unchanged. While the time goes forward, and new technologies used in the manufacture of cast-iron bathtubs. First, cast iron bathtub shape. All the bumps and iron slag is removed at a special shot apparatus. Additionally, the inner surface of the bath is treated with metal prisms for better bonding with the cast-iron enamel surface.