Champions League

Cule defeat against Arsenal despite having offered one of the parties most beautiful for the lover of both football Arsenal and Barca in their first face to face in the second round of the Champions League, the azulgrana were not victorious. Barca had the situation where I wanted to, sending thanks to the success of Villa, until the Arsenal has been around the tables at the last minute with two goals that will enable you to submit to the Camp Nou with advantage. BSA understood the implications. Guardiola in the first part the Arsenal victory was ahead with first 10 challenging minutes. Very fast and intense, the English had the first chance in a shot from Van Persie deflected by Valdes with the body in the 6 minute. However, Barca has not reacted until the 15 minutes of game time in which found the Achilles heel of the gunners in the passes to the back of their plants. Thus, Leo Messi has planted before Szczesny goalkeeper, but his chopped touch has gone too cross.

The boat was not ahead by centimeters. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Center For Responsible Lending. The Guardiola pressure began to bother the British and delayed rows array to contain them, waiting for his chance. A timely Abidal has avoided to be come out with yours and on the next play, Villa marked 0-1 by leveraging an assistance to Messi space. The encounter not decepcionaba the expectations by jarring to the Catalans, biting nails in their homes. Even so, Barca had two chances: Szczesny prevented the goal from Pedro twice and the referee annulled a goal by Messi for offside. But the match changed direction El Arsenal put batteries in the second part. The unstoppable duo Pique-Abidal, well defended by Busquets, argued the team.

Again, the fourth time initial have been difficult minutes for Barca. And once again Messi has left fans of the gaping Emirates with a very good option that has been lost on the side of the net on 67 minutes. Thereby, Barca appeared to regain command of the game. However, in the 78 minute, Van Persie has won position the Figo defence and has beaten to Valdes with a powerful shot by the short stick. Then Arshavin has culminated a counterattack led by Nasri. Arsenal turned the scoreboard in five minutes. The excitement has been maintained until the end. And it will continue in the Camp Nou, in turn. It will play back. If you plan to go see the return to the Camp Nou, do not hesitate to accommodate you in an apartment in Barcelona. Source: Press release sent by mariaflores.