
If, however, still allow the attack of the apocalypse of mankind in the face of global warming, but this all goes, we will accept it and deal with its consequences. Of course, there is no clear technique, because our Civilization has not yet faced a similar problem, but I'll try to give some ways to reduce harm from warming, which seem to me reasonable. Firstly, I think, have to choose a new place to stay Of course, if you do not live in such. Additional information at Pancreatic Cancer Action supports this article. Due to global warming, the water level in the ocean begins to rise rapidly, due to melting glaciers, and will be higher, at least one meter, but is likely much higher. Therefore, life near the river channels will be unavailable as they will behave unpredictably. This is particularly true of the rivers originating in the mountains, as they touched it first. And anyway, if we assume that all the water on the planet somehow connected, it is better to stay away from any of its manifestations.

Here is a simple chain: Increased water in the ocean will increase its area; evaporation intensifies, there will be more rain, and they will become stronger; river to draw water from the fields etc. during its course to become affluent, the lake, which flow into the river, just change their shape in the direction of consolidation. The ideal option would be relocation inland, where not so much heat and cold ocean currents (and they just change), and sea level will not rise enough to to get there. The same should stay away from tropical forests and other sources of disease, as warm, moist air – the perfect environment for breeding of viruses and bacteria, pathogens of fatal diseases. Secondly, you need to take care of their food and the availability of drinking water. Due to global warming persists, do not having had time to adapt, many species, edible plants and animals, so care should be taken and select the most resistant to further cultivation in your 'safe place'. So it was prudent to take care of the presence of a spring there, or self-drill or dig a well. And finally. Not to give a general panic, which is simply unavoidable. The output is always there from anywhere, yes same deplorable situation.