Economic Education

Evaluation between Education and Work Evaluating the scene of the decade of 80 we perceive that from this period we have world-wide changes; new ideas and one another economic model and politician appear, neoliberalismo becomes hegemonic and comes the mundializao of the capital with a new project of economic development; the industries leave to be national to be changedded into transnational, aiming at proper benefits these industries if they install where to have better conditions to reach greaters profits. The economic agent leaves of Being been and starts to be market, the privatizations, the competitiveness, the technology and the production in mass starts to be words of order. The idea becomes current of that the private initiative more is enabled to decide the social problems. The public administration if has associated with a synonymous negative, while the private one is had as positive. The public sectors are being to the few eradicated of the society, and the negative effect of this fact can be verified in the deprivation of rights democratic politicians and.

The ruin of the public is positive fact for a society governed under the laws of the market. So longed for development it blunts in this context of the mundializao of the capital and together with all the new technology and easinesses that this advance presents it appears the unemployment, therefore with the hand of workmanship substituted for the robotizao if they had lost the work ranks significadamente. The analysis of this question of the empregabilidade together with the question of the education brings to tona the quarrel of the factor ‘ ‘ education so that? ‘ ‘. Of beginning the education had a character integrator and was understood as essential factor in the formation of workmanship hand. The crisis of the Seventies marks deeply this promise integrator of the school, that the economic contribution of the escolaridade was not refused and yes if affirmed the change in the direction of the education.