Establishing Learning

a Establishing relationships between concepts. Means more thinking and able to take a stand on a situacion.a involves a productive activity where you use whatever transform a given reality, adjusting to different conditions. COGNITIVE DOMAIN a READING: UNDERSTANDING “N to what the text says. We explore the meaning and significance of the text from the literal to the inferential. Responds to intelligent reading. a Establishment of views and assessments on the text.

Responds to critical reading and should take a stand on what was read. a Utility of the text, its relationship to other texts and the implementation of its essential idea ena other situations. Responds to creative reading. to A PRODUCTION “N TEXT DOMINIIO COGNITIVE; CONSTRUCTI” N drafting will be evaluated as a process, so this topic is suggested that the instrument address: na a 1. DRAFT FORMAT FOR TYPE PLAN WRITING (Apply planning strategies and self-review). NA a 2. FINAL TEXT (You must apply strategies for solving and self review, taking into account: theme, purpose, text type, for whom he writes, the formal and external text.) a RELATIONS BETWEEN LEARNING OBJECTIVES, STRATEGIES OF INSTRUCTION, AND TECHNIQUES OF ASSESSMENT An examination of the verbs presented in the cognitive domain knowledge (eg, recall, list, recognize) may suggest that the instruction related to these learning objectives might focus on providing information to students through the use of texts, notes, lectures, or any other type of direct instruction. It is necessary to use direct strategies for learning, supporting students in acquiring basic knowledge that permits them to later more complex learning tasks.