Media Cologne And Frobus Establish A New Multimedia Company

New bears the name media Cologne innovation GmbH Hurth, December 14, 2009. To tie future effective multimedia packages for their customers, the FRoBUS / MEDIA COLOGNE GROUP now in Cologne has set up the media Cologne innovation GmbH. To read more click here: Chase Koch. The new company, to optimize marketing and sales processes through innovative, Web-based software solutions technology supporting service providers for the areas of communication, multimedia and system technology is specialized. Helmut Lohmann, managing partner of media Cologne GmbH, to the new Foundation: Media Cologne innovation GmbH, short MC innovation, we are effectively and flexibly positioned to respond individually to the needs of our customers. Also, we can respond quickly and professionally to their variable requirements.

With the large and strong mother in the background we ensure to stability, future-proofing and the necessary development capacity.” The MC innovation, offers with its Product range Innosuite”technologies for every area of modern management. The new company is specialised in marketing optimization, building Web shops and electronic catalog systems, as well as increase the efficiency of communication and advertising processes. Linked information and processing channels are online, print and mobile applications. MC takes care that the sustainable and technologically complex industries and individual solutions transparent depict various internal processes for customers and automate useful innovation. To establish wide we want the components of our Innosuite”, which significantly improve the cross-media possibilities and thus the competitiveness of our customers. We place high importance to the fact that our products high-compatible are designed to our clients existing business-critical IT architectures. This a modern overall system creates the a cost-efficient, consistent and centralized data management for integrated marketing and sales processes, allows,”explains Rolf Christian Kassel, managing partner, the philosophy of the new company MC innovation. Contact person for the press of Ursula Mors management marketing Tel.: + 49 (0) 2233 / 980-136 fax: + 49 (0) 2233 / 980-200 E-Mail: – media Cologne communication media GmbH Luxemburger Strasse 96 50354 Hurth