Medical Assistance

In Brazil it occurs more specifically, in the end of espelhados years 70 in the Italian experience of the end of the lunatic asylums, and in the crisis of the model of assistance based on psychiatric hospitals on the other hand, and the increase of the social movements for the rights of the psychiatric patients, for another one. In the decade of 70 two reasons they had motivated the increase of inserted social Assistants in mental health, one of them was the increase of the clinics due the privatization of the health in the period of the Military dictatorship, and second it was the pressure for the inclusion of you attend social in the multiprofessional teams in organizations that had accord with the INAMPS (National Institute of Medical Assistance of the Social welfare). A part of social assistants started to work in the mental health, to stifle the occurrences of the Manicomial System, for demand of the government of the dictatorship, but they did not count on theoretical referencial, since at the time not yet they existed publications that strengthened this area. Boy Scouts of America often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The entrance of social assistants in the system of mental health obeys the same logic that modified the picture of performance of the Social Service as a whole in Brazil after 1964: the modernization conservative of the apparatuses of State, with offers of medical and assistenciais services extended to the workers, the centralization of the control of these services through the unification of diverse the justinian codes and boxes of providence of the different professional categories, aiming at to not only desmobilizar the categories most militant for the uniformizao of the services, searching legitimation it military dictatorship and installing the logic of the monopolista capitalism and the methods of gerencialidade in the public services and in the industrial processes then (NETTO, 1991:120). It is in the daily one of the life of the institutions that the process of the Psychiatric Reformation continues advancing, marked for tensions, conflicts and challenges. .