National Convention

The director of the Business Coaching franchise in Mexico and Latin America, Alejandro de Gyves’s punishment, said that the main cause of closure of companies lies in the lack of preparation of the owners. In an interview, during the closing ceremony of the National Convention of business Coaches, he noted that a World Bank study showed that every business owner that is subjected to three or more entrepreneurial training programmes reduces the probability of failing at more than 60 percent. Currently, between 50 and 60 percent of businesses do not meet one year of operation, and 80% will disappear during the first five years. The reality is that a place where you can prepare business owners to be business owners there is. However, these deficiencies can be eradicated through the Business Coaching. He noted, that when a person has an entrepreneurial spirit and is released to open a business is because it feels able to do so, those who hardly accept help during the initial stage, but when emerge the early setbacks and challenges are then opened to receive professional help. He said that as well as an athlete has a trainer for scaling levels in their sport, a businessman must work with a business Coach, whose relationship can be long-term, so out of their own traps to be as self employed its own business and recover time to develop and enjoy life, but above allmore wealth for him and his community.

With regard to the arrival of the Coaching business in Latin America, Alejandro de Gyves told us that since he has been in Mexico has injected a new spirit of renewal among business owners. The same Coaches live it daily to see how business owners are open to change and initiated a process of learning. Coaching produces strings of success, i.e., both Coaches and owners benefit from systems and achieve amazing results for their businesses and their lives.