Relationship Crisis Instead Of Looking Forward To Christmas?

With the Christmas feast, we combine a time of peace and harmony. According to a study from the year 2011, couples in the advent time arguing on average four times a day. Throughout December they live on 124 dispute. More than 10 percent of the respondents even admitted to lie to the whole Christmas season only in the hair. As causes, including money worries, unfair division of labour, the selection of gifts and the coordination of family visits were called. To come but also the lack of time and attention in the run-up to Christmas for each other. 20 Percent of the couples in this time thinking seriously about a separation and a full 23% remember past Christmases, which has nearly or actually would have led to the end of a relationship. Of course, there are some problems in relations, which have often successfully but were superseded in everyday life sure long before the advent season.

Usually the partner suffer from lack of communication, to be the feeling of the other not understood or respected or under the well-known problem of the time… These simmering conflicts are clear signs that fundamentally something in the relationship wrong. Unfortunately the relationship problems at Christmas time are amplified mostly, especially when it comes rather, to make happy family and friends. Shockingly, in January, law firms regularly recorded a significant increase of the clients seeking information about divorce and separation. But it must not come! Couple counseling can be a valuable help here? Under professional guidance, it will clarify where the problems really lie between the partner, how to improve the ratio of partners to each other. So ultimately the partners find each other perspectives for a common future can let develop and your love life again. For all pairs for Christmas is just not the celebration of love but a time of tension, of strife and despair, the Advisor of the Association of psychological consultants are there this year. Also on the Our consultants are advent Sundays and Christmas nationwide with the action “we are there for you when you need us” pairs to the conflict solution. Thus the new year not with the separation of the people begins, you actually love… Association psychological consultant 80995 Munich