
As Ribeiro (1998, P. 93), … with the discovery of techniques of irrigation and adubagem of the ground, the generalization of the use of the plough and vehicles of wheel, as well as of boats the candle, diverse peoples had revolutionized in its capacity of food production, having caused the first sprouting of cidades' '. With the Renaissance, it was inaugurated modernity, walking opposing to the savage, the ignorance and the nature. &#039 was necessary; ' domesticar' ' the human beings not to act as animal. Second Oak (2002, p.41) the civilizador process gave itself with the advent of the cities.

The city, counterpoint of the wild nature, then if presented as lcus the word locus (plural loci) means ' ' lugar' ' in Latin of the civility, the cradle in the good ways, it taste and of sophistication. To leave the forest and to go for the city were a civilizatrio act. The people created in the city were considered more educated than those that lived in the fields. The nature, had then as the Other of the civilization, represented a threat to the rising order. The human being, leaving the nature, could then call a civilized being more and not being part of it as wild. This civilized being started to be part of another territory, being ' ' longe' ' of the nature. The human being to remain itself in the city started to spoil the environment removing of it all the necessary resources for its survival. The abundance of natural resources allowed the belief in the infinity of the same ones. The concentration of the population demanded the necessity of consumption of foods, clothes, remedies, etc. No longer century XVIII, with the expansion of the bourgeoisie and the commerce of diverse products the exploration of the work force was basic for the expansion of the industrial production.