Ritual Accessories

In Russia at all times there were people who had helped the Church. Dimensions of charity could be very different: someone bought for the House of God candles and ritual supplies, as someone allowed to build on consistency their money Temple. In any case, those who have committed similar acts, is a good memory, and the congregation to pray constantly for the benefactors. Now many believers acquire a variety of church furnishings. Often all it is necessary to carry out ritual.

However, there are those who do it for charity. Among the ritual funeral ceremony has a special place. It is dedicated to an important event in the life died: his soul goes to the afterlife. To carry out this ritual for ritual supplies: candles, candlesticks, crosses, icons funeral ribbons, etc. Each of the items used in religious rituals, has a deep meaning. The icon represents the image of God, therefore, looking at her, the soul of a dying man finds solace, regardless of whether it was clean. The lamp is the way communication of the human soul to the universe, symbolized inextinguishable light. She is a vessel with a lighted oil (oil) and is used not only at the burial, but also for other religious rites.