Social Assistance

Social OEducador will contribute to deflagrar a process that are the same tempodiferente, deeply transforming complex and. (LIRA 2003, P. 209, 210) the main work of the social educator will be of tentardespertar in the children and adolescents the desire for the change of that reality, the interest for the construction of a life project that surpasses that situaoimediata and leaves for the field of the desires, the dreams, therefore this pblicoenfrenta in the street, … the social repudiation that it confines in esteretipos eestigmas that they identify its poverty with the vice and accumulate on its pessoatoda the classroom of pejorativas images of incapacity and badness, blaming them porsua proper luck … (GRACIANI, 1999, P. Please visit if you seek more information. 110). At this moment the educator will find the greaters dificuldadescomo ' ' …

the family with its scared or breached bows, the school noadequada and enabled to take care of this type of clientele, the society that nolhes of the one chance to job, period of training or capacitao' '. (LIRA, 2003, p.211) the Social Educator has the hard task to educate populaoque contributes with foods, clothes etc., exactly that involuntariamentecolaborando so that () the boys and girls remain in the street. At a first moment we want to take off them of the street, but paraonde? As report of the City department of deVitria Social Assistance (2005), the children and adolescents abandon its homes for vriosmotivos and the main ones are: misunderstanding with members of the family, sexual violnciafsica and/or, lacks of the paternal figure, food and alcoolismoprincipalmente of the figure materna. They are distinguished in two groups: children in the street and children derua. Children in the street: They are those that in many familiar mantmvnculos cases and they use to the street as half to generate income vendendo products, watching cars and others. In this in case that they costumam to come back toward its homes.