State Participation

This limits the democracy to the direct vote, the elections, the electoral campaigns, at last to the act to vote. Taking off of the democracy concept the idea of government of the people to substitute it for government simply left the people, the exit of a citizen of the majority to assume a government function is not democracy only and when in it governs without the participation of they had chosen that it. The principle of that ' ' the born in the kingdom king but not governa' ' , if he applies very well in insufficient democratic systems in which ' ' the born in the kingdom people, but not governa' '. Decisions on State said democratic, needs participation of people, therefore is this majority, but when the participation if limits only the will of the governing that submit the majority and make to obey to its criteria and decisions, then has the totalitarianism installed with roupagem of democratic system. Kelsen (2000, P. 181) says that ' ' The law is the will of the governor and not it of the people, therefore this if submits to the governor without participating of its power, that for this reason, unrestricted and is endowed with an inherent trend to totalitarismo.' ' A totalitarian system does not recognize the citizen, does not create new forms of legality, but to believe to be total its action to the point to excuse you censure on the part of the people or the subjects of the totalitarian system. She is still an ideological humbug who promises to justice in agreement with the humanity, summarizing the ludibria totalitarianism with promises and corrupts with action. According to Hannah Arendt the totalitarian politics not accepted censorship and so little opportune the knowledge of the laws for the citizens, but promises the justice based on the desire of the population, whereas in the embroidery frames its intentions tirnicas are based on illegalities and arbitrariedades. .