The Welfare

But, the serpent of the envy buzzed in the ears of Adam and Eva: this history is badly counted. God knows that in the day where to eat the forbidden fruit, your eyes will confide and you will be as deuses, turned in the good and mal' '. Adam and Eva had judged to have drawee the secret of the prohibition of God and had fallen in the ambush of the Serpent, having become adversaries of God. They had started to hide itself of it, ' ' with shame because they were nus' ' (of the criatural identity). Who is hidden of God walks in the way of the evil, practises the bad workmanships. ' ' The light came to the world, but the men had preferred the darknesses the light, because its workmanships were bad. Therefore, who makes the evil hates the light and it does not come pra the light, pra that its workmanships are not demonstrated as culpable.

But, who practises the truth (it makes the good) comes to the light, pra that if it reveals that its workmanships are made in Deus' ' Jo 3,19-20. The good workmanships, ethical workmanships are teologais places: who them it makes it practises it on behalf of Jesus and it lives in the privacy, in the presence of God, building its Kingdom and ours. ' ' God is love. Who loves is in God and God in it ' ' 1 Jo 4,16. God is merciful. Who is merciful is in God and God in it. God is good.

Who makes the welfare in God and God in it. The bad workmanships are devilish places, dwelling of the Satan. It practises who them he is ally and it is building the Satan kingdom, increasing the sin of the world, where the bad things happen. Far from God, Adam and Eva had taken life without route nor criterion, without peace.