Technical Departments

This excellent unit of engineering of Axpe, is in charge to offer oriented services to the Technical Departments, of Investigation or Engineering, Development and Industrialization (I+D+i) of its clients. Axpe begins its work from the phase of design to the beginning of the services, including the implantation and industrialization. The human equipment that comprises of Axpe Engineering can be in charge of the projects at different levels: mechanic, electronic and software. He does not break contact himself either with the processes of optimization, implantation and manufacture. The person whom, as I comment to you comprise of Axpe Engineering, the following activities realise: Completion of motors (motor syntheses, calibrations, etc.) Development of embarked expert control and system software (design, architecture, implementation, tests, real time, Scada systems, systems integration, etc.) mechanical Diseo and structural calculations (static, thermal, modal, fatigue, tolerance to the damage, etc.) advanced technical Processes (implantation of new services of networks, technical coordination of suppliers in industrialization, management of technical supplies, engineering RAMS of product/process, design of average industrialists of production, etc.) electronic Development (analogical, digital, of active passive equipment RF/, electronic design of power, CEM, anacoicas cameras, etc.) With this it is clear that the clients of Axpe, can have the security of which its hiring is a success 100%. BlogRoll.