Toners Makeup

The current variety of cosmetic products, whose function may be the same – very easy to get confused. Let's look at everything in order. So: a means to improve the complexion, smoothing skin tone. There are at 3 Consistency: – Liquids. suitable rule for young skin and for oily and combination. Layer is a thin skin, due to this may be better to stay and not 'swim'. – Cream.

Good covers the skin, conceals the first wrinkles, but can hide in them. Creams with a texture are almost all skin types. – Dry. Mainly designed for oily skin, but there are exceptions. Now what are the kinds of consistencies of the three possible meet: – Night Cream with tinted effect. Gives a very light coating, is ideal if your skin is good and we just have a little color align. Has all of the caring qualities a day cream. -Foundation, or cream foundation.

Well conceals, disguises flaws. – Fond de Teint – virtually the same thing, toning cream. The density of the coating can vary depending on how nanenseniya and brands. – Cover up cream. Camouflage means, concealer or cream with a very dense coating. Good masks imperfections of the skin. – Hydrant – mark this means good wetting properties. Perfect for dry skin, and it is very likely that will flow to the oily. – Cream powder – like a compact powder, but is applied with a sponge moistened. Often have a matte properties due to the high content of powder. After their application is not worth the extra powder face. Powder. Is friable and compact. Loose – you can find clear, and then it suitable for any skin tone, but it should be applied only to secure the toning tools, since it does not make hue and mask defects. Loose powder with a touch of good for use at home for fixing makeup and giving velvety and glossy skin. Compact powder – perfect for Revamped makeup during the day, and can also be used as a standalone tool for alignment and tone camouflage small skin imperfections. I hope this review will help you in choosing, as well as push to experiment in the makeup and you want to know more about the wonderful world of cosmetics.