
Recent efforts to control the spread of the acute severe respiratory syndrome (SARS) have prompted health authorities to develop massive detection processes, mainly for airline passengers. Since one of the symptoms are high fever, was quickly proposed to use infrared cameras to identify people infected with SARS to its passage by the airports. Although infrared thermography has many advantages for measuring body temperature there are many variables, human, environmental and technological that may affect accuracy. What is SARS? The acute severe respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a recently discovered and pontecialmente lethal human disease. Since its initial recognition in February 2003, 8200 people of which 735 were killed were infected. According to the who mortality rate is estimated at 15%. However, this rate exceeds 50% in people older than 65 years.

The rapid spread of the disease led who to labelled SARS as the first appeared in 21st century infectious disease. SARS has demonstrated its rapid spread through international air routes. Since it was discovered in Hanoi, Viet Nam, SARS spread worldwide through air routes and reported cases in 6 continents. There is still much to know of SARS, it is believed it is caused by a virus of the family coronavirus, which yet there is no vaccine or treatment. According to different centres for diseases control and prevention the main route of transmission of SARS is contact between people. Most of of SARS cases occurred in people that they cared for or lived with people affected by SARS, or who had made contact with infected moods (e.g. respiratory secretions). SARS begins with a fever higher than 38 C, other symptoms are headaches, feeling of general discomfort and body aches.

2 To 7 days after those affected by SARS develop a runny nose and have respiratory problems. Do the imagers are usable for? detect SARS? While the imagers were used extensively in the international airports in Asia should say what next: no protocols of how you should measure the body temperature without contact thermometers. There is no data suggesting the correlation between the body and the temperature of the skin most of infrared cameras lack the precision and resolution necessary for medical diagnosis. There are many variables that affect the accuracy of the temperature measurement including environmental conditions, equipment and conditions the person whose temperature you want to measure. An elevated body temperature does not certify that a person has SARS, Diagnostics them must be made by qualified medical personnel. Learn more about thermography cameras section Thermographic of original author and source of the article.